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Exactly what is osteoarthritis?
Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis. One of over 100 diseases that can afflict the joints, osteoarthritis involves the articular cartilage, that smooth, glistening, bluish-white substance attacked to the ends of bones. Designed to reduce the friction of moving bones rubbing against each other, as well as to absorb come of the shock that comes from movement, this cartilage begins to break down as a result of osteoarthritis. When the protective cartilage weakens, or even disappears, bones can begin to rub against each other. With time, one may develop pain, stiffness, joint crackling, bone spurs, abnormal bone hardening and other problems. Osteoarthritis usually attacks the joints of the knees, hands, hips, feet and spine. Joints of the shoulders, elbows, wrists and knuckles are less frequent targets, usually only if there has been trauma to these areas.
Are we all destined to get osteoarthritis if we live long enough?
No, although the problem is more common in older than in younger populations. Aged joints may become sore for many reasons, but osteoarthritis is only one of them. Furthermore, only about half of the people who have signs of osteoarthritis have pain and limitation from the condition. With osteoarthritis you'll see deterioration on the weight-bearing surfaces of the cartilage, plus significant changes in the cartilage matrix. Osteoarthritic cartilage and aged normal cartilage differ visibly, biochemically, histologically and functionally.
What's the difference between osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis?
Rheumatoid arthritis, the second most common form of arthritis, is an autoimmune disease that comes about when the body "attacks itself," attacking body tissue as if it were a foreign invader. Symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis include discomfort, pain, inflammation, overgrowth of the going lining, and joint deformity and deterioration. Attacking three times as many women as men, rheumatoid arthritis tends to appear on both sides of the body at once (both wrists, for example).
Why can't I simply take pain pills for my arthritis?

Many people take acetaminophen (eg. Tylenol®) or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs) such as aspirin, Aleve® and Motrin®. These pills successfully block pain and/or inflammation in many cases. However, these medicines (indeed, all medicines) have potentially serious side effects. The NSAIDs, for example, may cause nausea, cramps, diarrhea, nervousness, confusion, headaches, ulcers, sore throat, fever and high blood pressure.

The risk of side effects might be worth running if the standard pain pills actually cured osteoarthritis. But they don't. (in fact, some of them may even worsen the problem). This means that you're stuck taking the pills forever - and quite likely taking other pills to deal with their side effects. The Arthritis Cure, on the other hand, can actually eliminate the need to take these medicines altogether, once and for all.

My hip hurts when I push on it. Is that arthritis?
Probably not. If you can cause pain by pushing on the outside of your hip, over the area where your "hip bone" is most prominent, this is most likely bursitis, a condition in which the protective sac, or bursa, is inflamed and painful. Bursa are thin, fluid-filled cushions, usually between a bone and soft tissue. In this case between the greater trochanter and the tensor fascia lata muscle. Due to overuse, injury or tightness, the muscle rubs firmly on the bone, squishing the bursa, resulting in inflammation (pain, swelling and sometimes warmth). Trochanteric bursitis can last for years and often mimics the symptoms of hip arthritis. Once the bursa is inflamed, it does not heal very easily, unless the causative factor is eliminated. An analogy would be biting the inside of you cheek by accident. Once the cheek gets swollen, you continue to bite it and the area does not heal until the biting stops. Trochanteric bursitis is readily curable with specific stretches like the "arrow" and sometimes a cortisone injection.


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90% of people who follow The Arthritis Cure treatment program don't need anti-inflammatories (like Aleve, Celebrex or Advil).
Dr. Theo warned people that these drugs, used first... read more



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